Republic of Cyprus
Reform of the Civil Service

Entrepreneurship and Investment

Promoting investments and entrepreneurship is a key part of the Growth Reform. The improvement of the business climate, the simplification of procedures, the provision for incentives to investors as well as the development of a stable and transparent regulatory framework are all essential factors which will contribute to the attraction of investments and encourage business activity.

The main objective is the promotion of concrete actions for the facilitation of strategic investments and business activities.

The following actions are promoted:

- Optimization of the process and adoption of legislation to facilitate Strategic Investments
- Preparation of an Integrated Strategy to attract investments
- Optimization of the process of employment of highly skilled third countries nationals
- Setting up the policy framework for the development of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
- Establishment of a Business Support Centre

Suggestion Box

Government Web Portal

The Government Gateway Portal (Ariadni)

Better Regulation